Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Project Begins

Hello and Welcome to the Morning Star Project. I will try to keep this blog updated and as detailed as possible so that I can share with you the progress of the build.

It is said that every great journey starts with the first step, so my first step was “Inspiration”

The dream of having your own sail boat and enjoying life at sea was something that has been with me from early childhood. As I grew up and practicality poked its ugly head into my life I quickly realized that the “Dream” had to comply with obtainable specifications and mission requirements.

Requirement number 1. It has to be cheap (you know what they say “No Money No Honey”) It has to be relatively easy to build with a Maximum size of 17 feet (due to space constrictions) and something that can handle 4 large adults and a few kids safely for day trips and sleeping accommodations for two for weekend getaways.

The search begins with endless hours online surfing all manner of sites from builders blogs and forums too How To, sites and endless companies that sell ready kits or plans. To be absolutely truthful I have to confess that I found quite a few very interesting propositions but if it wasn’t one thing it was another thing that was wrong with them so I decided to combine all the good attributes of each one of my final selections into one super pocket yacht that I would design.

Now it’s important to note that I am not a marine engineer and any and all construction procedures and modifications that I will be presenting in this blog are not recommended to be replicated. Implement what I do or say at your own risk.

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